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  • RUBA Fashion Academy in T Nagar, Chennai
  • Fashion Academy in T Nagar, Chennai
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About RUBA Fashion Academy

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Learning Center

RUBA Fashion Academy shapes its students' future by fostering a teamwork approach to instruction, encouraging interaction with faculty, providing access to high tech information, motivating them to develop new ideas and concepts, taking personal interest in students' career development and preparing them for success.

  • Our main focus is on quality and perfection in designs of embroidery , aari work and tailoring.

  • Top Fashion Designing Institute in Chennai.

  • Best qualitfied teacher for you

About Ruba

Ananda Rupa Muruganantham Born in an agricultural family, she completed his teacher training. Her craftsmanship began at the age of 9, from coconut wood tiles. She designed the ceiling like a wooden plank without cutting the tiles in the coconut palms in her garden.

She also built nests for the birds to stay in those tiles. Neighboring people gathered in her garden to see the cottage and the dwelling of the priests in every cottage. Rupa, who has learned many talents in craft brewing during the school season as a crop, has learned to work in tailoring, embroidery, ary, megandi, pastoral and jewel making. She has been teaching them since 2012. Patience and indifference are two of her greatest strengths in teaching. These qualities are not appreciated by all who have learned to teach them. Your success is certain.

Aari Course in T nagar, Chennai

We’re the best institution

Embroidery Course in T nagar, Chennai
Beautician in T nagar, Chennai